September 16, 2004

The Legend FAQ

This FAQ I edit from my other blog

What your new blog is all about?
This blog is to collect legend, history and folklore stories from around the world. The stories will be posted here and manage by me.

Can we post in the blog?
Nope, you cannot post in the blog but you can email the story that you want to post to me and I will put it in there.

How do we know whether you take the story from someone else and which story that you write by yourself?
Don't worry. I will put acknowledgement in the story whether at the top of the story or at the bottom.

Will you pay us for sending article(s) to your new blog?
Sadly no for the moment but I'm not sure in the future. I'll mentioned it when the time comes.

You didn't tell us what is your email, so how can we send our story to you?
Ooh, did I forget to tell my email? I think not. Do you see the blog title in the box? Do you see the writing in the box? My e-mail is in there.

What kind of story did you accept?
Read the FAQ number 1.

Will you backup all the content?
Of course I'am (if I'm not lazy enough at that time).

How often will you update your other blog?
Depending on how many story that I get from you each day.

Why you blog's title and address is not that 'grand'?
Because when I put the title and address, my half brain is stop working for a while (the creative side). So, if you want to suggest another title drop your suggestion at the comment section ok.

Will you host this stories at the other website later?
For the moment the stories will be host at If I'm rich enough to pay for my own web server and domain name I will transfer all the stories in here to the server. Before I do that, I will inform to all of you.

Can you notify us when you updated this blog?
For the moment I will not provide the services because I'm so damn busy right now. For the future maybe yes.

How often will you updated this FAQ?
Depending on how often I have to answer same question.